Welcome to the Bluegrass Lodge of the Organized Play Foundation!
What is Paizo’s Organized Play?
The Organized Play system is a living campaign for Pathfinder Second Edition and Starfinder, with legacy support for Pathfinder First Edition. It is a system that allows players and game masters to travel and participate in games all around the world, in local game shops, and at conventions. It’s a great way to meet new people, play fun games, and accommodate a wide-range of player and game master schedules.
Getting started…
The first thing that you’re going to need to do is register your Organized Play ID Number, which you may have received printed on a card with a confirmation code if you’ve already attended a local event. Head on over to www.paizo.com/organizedplay and register your free account. Be sure to use your confirmation code to claim your ID number if you received a card, as any games reported from that event will be attached to that ID number for you.
If you have not yet attended a local event or convention, feel free to sign up and get your ID number. You should be sure to write it down or print your card, as you’ll need your ID number for game masters to report the sessions you play in.
You’ll also see that you have the ability to register characters for different systems on the Paizo website, and it’s always advisable that you register your characters as we currently use a system called Achievement Points for Starfinder and Pathfinder Second Edition. Achievement Points are tracked and accumulated via the reporting of game sessions, and you can spend them for cool in game rewards and bonuses for your characters.
You’re going to want to review the Guild Guide for the systems you wish to participate in, and those can be found at these links:
Pathfinder First Edition Guild Guide
Pathfinder Second Edition Guild Guide
Starfinder Guild Guide
You can find more information overall about Pathfinder Society and Starfinder Society at these links as well, including information for what content is sanctioned for use in Organized Play.
What do I need to play?
You will need, at minimum, a copy of the core rulebook for any system you wish to play in. You can buy a physical copy from a local shop, or online, or you can purchase the PDF version directly from the Paizo website. The PDFs are often the cheaper option, and they count as a legal resource for your character as long as they are watermarked for your account.
If you have not built a character yet, you can use a pre-generated character provided by the GM (game master) at any event you attend. Once you have built your own character, you will want to remember to bring your character sheet, any chronicle sheets you have earned through playing, a writing implement, dice, and possibly a miniature to represent your character. If you need help finding any of these items, you can always reach out to one of your local officers or another player. You will see a link in the menu at the top of this page for “Contacts” which will list the local organizer for each store, and how to contact them with questions.
How do I reserve my seat?
We primarily use WarHorn for our sign-ups (you’ll see a link to our WarHorn page in the top menu as well, so it’s always easy to find).
Registering for a WarHorn account is completely free. Once you have an account, you’ll need to register for the event page (such as the Bluegrass Lodge OPF WarHorn), and then sign up for individual seats in that event. You can see a full list of upcoming local games on the calendar, with information for the start time, location, GM, game being run, etc.
When you register your WarHorn account, you will want to double check your settings and be sure your account is set to the EST time zone, as WarHorn often defaults new registrants to PST. If your profile is not set to the correct time zone, it will not properly display the times on the WarHorn page. If you need help registering for WarHorn, feel free to reach out to me personally at heather.cincypfs@gmail.com.
Where do I find other players/game masters outside of events?
We have a number of groups setup that we use to share information and communicate with one another outside of our events. You can also find Venture Officer and game master contact information listed on our “Contacts” page from the main menu.
Bluegrass Lodge Discord
D20 Hobbies Discord
Bluegrass Lodge FaceBook Group
East KY Lodge FaceBook Group
Quilt City Lodge FaceBook Group